No matter what you want to call it, it is time to break free from its grasp and feel more confident!

Feeling powerless and “not good enough” day in and day out will suck the joy right out of your life. Enough.

You might describe yourself as having anxiety, or you might just say “I am just stressed out all the time”…or you might notice an internal sense that no matter what you do, you still feel “not good enough”. Whatever you call it, it can cause your day-to-day life to feel exhausting and miserable! It might look like:

  • Your mind is constantly analyzing situations (both from the past and anticipating ones in the future) to try and figure out the “best way to handle things”, but it never seems to stop. Oh, and you’re also doing the same thing for your family too, because that’s your “job” in the family.

  • You have little voice in your head that is always finding what you did wrong.

  • You are so worried about things not being done perfectly, that you completely stress yourself out…or the fear of things not being done perfectly keeps you from finishing—or even trying in the first place.

  • Once your mind starts down a negative track, it can easily spiral into a full-blown anxiety attack— where you can’t think clearly or breathe correctly. All you can seem to do is cry or shut down completely.

  • Your sleeping and eating are off (too much or too little).

  • You keep taking your stress out on the people closest to you, even though you really don’t want to…it just seems to keep happening.

The good news is, all of this can be changed with the right therapy.

Anxiety, stress and self-doubt can disrupt every area of your life.

You might have battled with these for your whole life, or you might have learned early on to hide these feelings behind a mask…but the mask is no longer fitting like it once did.

They might keep you from doing your best at work; it is hard to end your work day feeling like “I nailed it!” when your mind is in panic mode and thinking of all of the bad things that could happen! You know these are holding you back from taking chances and being more successful, but you don’t know how to stop being this way.

With your family, you might find yourself unable to enjoy the things that used to have you feeling connected, because you’re so worried about what could go wrong that you try to control everything. And when you realize you can’t control everything, then the irritability and anxiety kick in!

Even your free-time is impacted, as you start to realize how many things you are doing to try and distract yourself from thoughts that don’t feel good. All that scrolling on social media and binge-watching shows? Great ways to numb yourself to avoid tuning into what is really going on beneath the surface.

You don’t know how to stop these on your own, but that is where I come in.

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Woman having anxiety attack or stress

It is finally time for YOU. You are worth the investment.

My unique approach to therapy to release anxiety, stress & self-doubt.

Even though you might already have knowledge, skills, and experience with helping others, you might still go into “fight-flight-or-freeze” mode when it comes to tuning into your own inner world!

Because of this, the first thing we will do is get to know each other a bit. As an anxiety therapist, I’ll help you explore not only what you are experiencing now, but we’ll also chat about how you experienced life growing up. We are doing this intentionally, not because we want to just complain about the past, but rather because we want to discover where these sh**ty beliefs about yourself came from, so that we can start to re-write them!

During our sessions together, you are going to be able to experience things that you missed out on when you were growing up: a non-judgmental, curious person who welcomes all of your emotions and Parts (think of the movie Inside Out)! This is not fluff and it is not “just talking”—this is where the “rewiring” of your brain happens, as it starts learning that feeling emotions can actually be safe and people can still want to connect with you! You will learn how to do the same for yourself, the more often you experience it in session.

In addition to using Attachment Theory and being Internal Family Systems (IFS) informed, part of what sets me apart from other therapists is that I often incorporate Law of Attraction (aka manifesting) and Spiritual Reparenting (not religious) tools to help you get to confidence quicker! You can learn more about these unique therapy options by clicking here.

Therapy for anxiety is not about what you “know”. It’s about having experiences that rewrite your beliefs about yourself. Once that starts happening, you will trust yourself more and start showing up to life with confidence.

Therapist with Brene Brown quote

Therapy with me is

A compassionate, non-judgmental space to get to know yourself in a new way

Co-creative: we’ll each come with ideas and see where it takes us

Mixed with humor, swearing, and connection

Different than other therapists, because of the energy & spiritual components to speed the healing

Therapy with me is not

A place where you get told all of the things that are wrong with you

A rigid protocol

Me sitting there nodding with a notepad in hand (like they depict on tv)

Only learning coping strategies that you could learn on social media

Maybe you are thinking about starting therapy to help with your anxiety, stress & self-doubt…but you have some questions

How do I know if my issues are “bad enough” to justify therapy?

This is a textbook example of someone who learned that their feelings, needs and desires were not important! You might have learned you only get paid attention to when things were really bad. Even if you are not “in desperate crisis”, you deserve to feel more ease and confidence than what you have been feeling.

Won’t my anxiety just go away after my _____ circumstance goes away?

In most cases, no. What I notice with my clients is that when one circumstance goes away, another that feels a similar way seems to appear. There are lifelong patterns that have been going on, even if some of the time they were more subtle. But when you tackle the true root of the issues (what you were taught to believe about yourself), you change what you attract to you.

Can’t I just figure this out on my own by reading books, listening to podcasts, and talking with my friends?

All of these can definitely help, but…if they were enough to fix the problem, they would have already. Healing and rewiring your brain to believe different things about yourself comes from healing experiences, not just from learning new information or chatting with friends.

Is this really going to be worth the investment of time & money?

I encourage you to take an honest evaluation of the cost of NOT treating anxiety, stress & self-doubt: how is it impacting your physical health? Your marriage? You children’s wellbeing? Your success at work? Guess what: all of those can have WAY BIGGER impacts on your finances and time if things get worse. Choosing therapy for anxiety can affect every aspect of your world.

Time to Heal Yourself

Time to Heal Yourself

Anxiety Therapy

Troy, MI

Scheduling VIRTUAL SESSIONS ONLY throughout Michigan

755 W Big Beaver Rd Suite 475, Troy, MI 48084